News & Events Your opinion counts!




June 24, 2021


Your feedback is important!

What do most customers read before they buy a product? The reviews, of course. Feedback has always been an important part of our lives and helps us improve our skills, be it drawing, singing, cooking or in our case, developing software. With your feedback you help us tremendously to hone and perfect our products, which naturally then benefits our whole customer base.

There are a few ways you can provide feedback.

  • You can take part in our yearly in-depth survey. In which case you’ll receive an email invite in Q3 to participate.
  • You can reach out to us ad-hoc via your account manager or by emailing us at
  • You can leave a public review on the app market associated with your product. Public app reviews are an important part of the marketplace eco-systems, and help us to further promote b+s Connects, which helps us to widen our customer-base, which in turn, helps us to continually refine and improve the product for all

If you would like to support us with app market feedback, we are happy to show you how this works in Salesforce AppExchange, Microsoft AppSource and in the ServiceNow Store, below!

Write a review in Salesforce AppExchange

  1. head to the AppExchange product page
    a) b+s Connects for Salesforce
    b) b+s Connects for Service Cloud Voice
  2. click on “Reviews” below the product description
  3. click on “Write a Review”
  4. if you’re not aleady logged in, you’ll be asked to do so now
  5. give your star rating, write a review title that reflects your feelings, and leave any detailed feedback in the comments
  6. hit “Share”

Tip: It is most helpful if you not only give a star rating, but also write detailed, constructive and honest feedback. This is the best way to gain valuable insight.

Write a b+s Connects for Saleforce review

Write a b+s Connects for Service Cloud Voice review

Did you know?
The more you engage with reviews on the Salesforce AppExchange, the more likely you are to earn top reviewer status. So, it pays to put in the effort!

Write a review in Microsoft AppSource

You cannot write a review in Microsoft AppSource until you have either purchased or tried our product in the Microsoft marketplace. If this is the case the following will happen:

  1. you will receive an email within 7 days asking you to provide feedback.
  2. the email will contain a link that will redirect you to the Marketplace, where you can then write a review
  3. the link expires after 2 weeks
  4. your review will then be published on our listing page

Alternatively, if the 2 weeks since your first install has elapsed…

  1. you can head to our listing page
  2. hit the “Reviews” tab underneath the title
  3. click “Write a review”
  4. if you’re not already logged in, you’ll be asked to do so now
  5. once your purchase or trial is authenticated, you’ll be able to leave your feedback

Write a b+s Connects for Microsoft Dynamics review

Write a review in the ServiceNow Store

Similar to Microsoft AppSource, you can only submit a review if you have already tested or purchased our product. If this is the case, you can do the following:

  1. head to the b+s Connects Store listing
  2. click on “Write a Review” under “Ratings and Reviews”
  3. you need to log in either with your ServiceNow ID or as a guest*
  4. afterwards you can write a review which will be published to our profile

*If you’re logging in as a guest, you’ll be asked to authenticate your purchase or trial with your business email and your ServiceNow instance

Write a b+s Connects for ServiceNow review

We thank everyone who helps us with the ongoing development of our products.

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Bucher + Suter Inc
4600 S Syracuse St, 9th Floor Denver, CO 80237

Bucher + Suter AG
Lindenpark, Lindenhofstrasse 1 CH-3048 Worblaufen / Bern

Bucher & Suter AG
Stubenwald-Allee 19
D-64625 Bensheim