News & Events b+s Connects for ServiceNow – Version 3.5




February 9, 2021


Your supervisors are your captains, responsible for overseeing the smooth sailing of your contact center. With the latest version of b+s Connects for ServiceNow, we’re offering up a war chest of features that will make leading their crew more straightforward than ever before.

  • The new supervisor view gives your captains a real-time overview of current contact center conditions and the ability to make swift, decisive actions to steer the ship.
  • Increase visibility and accountability on the contact center deck with silent monitoring, and let supervisors lend a helping hand in times of agent distress with barge-in.
  • If a supervisor needs to catch-up with an agent, they can check and even control their current state from afar and get the time they need with them.

Other tools added in b+s Connects for ServiceNow version 3.5 that further promote smooth sailing contact centers include:

  • Call History lets your agents make quick and efficient callbacks on incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Internal Numbers allows you to configure and then exclude internal numbers from your contact center reporting. Giving you more accurate and actionable analytics data.
  • Test out your click-to-dial configurations before you set them live for improved reliability.

b+s Connects for ServiceNow 3.5 product documentation, including changelog, can be found on the Bucher + Suter documentation mini-site. All other materials are available from our customer and partner portal: the b+s Hub.


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